Here we describe the command line options for the tools run for SIRENA reconstruction (gennoisespec, teslib and tesrecons). At the end, links to the documentation of other SIXTE tools required for the simulation of data files are provided (tessim and tesconstpileup) and XIFUSIM.


The goal of the gennoisespec tool is to calculate the current noise spectral density and the noise weight matrices. The input data from which it would be calculated should be a FITS file with the data splitted into records (see noise-records) with or without photon events (pulses).

To run gennoisespec the user must supply the following input parameters:


Name of the input FITS file (stream splitted into records).

Default: a.fits


Name of the output FITS file.

Default: a_noisespec.fits


Minimum length of a pulse-free interval to use (in samples).

Default: 8192


Number of pulse lengths after the end of the pulse to start the pulse-free interval searching (only relevant if pulse detection in the stream has to be performed).

Default: 0


Number of pulse-free intervals to use for the noise average.

Default: 1000


Scale factor to apply to make possible a variable cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter. In fact, the cut-off frequency of the filter is \(1/(\pi \cdot sF)\) and therefore, the box-car length is \(\pi \cdot sF \cdot samprate\) (see Low-Pass filtering).

If the scaleFactor makes the box-car length \(\leq 1\) is equivalent to not filter (cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter is too high). If the scaleFactor is too large, the low-pass filter band is too narrow, and not only noise is rejected during the filtering, but also the signal.

Default: 0


Consecutive samples that the signal must cross over the threshold to trigger a pulse detection (only relevant if pulse detection in the stream has to be performed).

Default: 3


Number of quiescent-signal standard deviations to establish the threshold through the kappa-clipping algorithm (only relevant if pulse detection in the stream has to be performed).

Default: 3.5


Pulse length in samples (to establish which part of the record is rejected due to a found pulse).

Default: 8192


Calculate and write the weight matrices if yes.

Default: no


Transform to resistance space (I2R or I2RFITTED) or not (OPTFILT).

Default: OPTFILT


Constant to apply the I2RFITTED conversion.

Default: 7000.0


Overwrite output files if they exist.

Default: no


Size of noise matrix if only one to be calculated, in samples.

Default: 0


Remove some noise intervals before calculating the noise spectrum if yes.

Default: no

A typical command line run of this tool would be:

> gennoisespec inFile=noise.fits outFile=noiseSpec.fits intervalMinSamples=pulseLength \
        pulse_length=pulseLength nintervals=1000

The sampling rate is calculated by using some keywords in the input FITS file. In case of tessim simulated data files, using the DELTAT keyword samplingRate=1/deltat. In case of xifusim simulated data files, every detector type defines a master clock-rate TCLOCK and the sampling rate is calculated either from a given decimation factor DEC_FAC (FDM and NOMUX) as samplingRate=1/(tclock·dec_fac), or from the row period P_ROW and the number of rows NUMROW (TDM) as samplingRate=1/(tclock·numrow·p_row). In case of old simulated files, the sampling rate could be read from the HISTORY keyword in the Primary HDU. If the sampling frequency can not be get from the input file after all, a message will ask the user to include the DELTAT keyword (inverse of the sampling rate) in the input FITS file before running again.

The output FITS file contains three HDUs, NOISE, NOISEALL and WEIGHTMS. The NOISE HDU contains three columns:

  • FREQ: Noise positive frequencies in Hz

  • CSD: Current noise spectral density. Amount of current per unit of frequency (spectral density) in \(A/\sqrt(Hz)\)

  • SIGMACSD: CSD Standard error of the mean in \(A/\sqrt(Hz)\) (not filled yet)

The NOISE HDU contains two keywords:

  • BSLN0: Noise baseline (it will be propagated to the library as BASELINE in the Library HDU when building the library FITS file)

  • NOISESTD: Noise standard deviation

The NOISEALL HDU contains FREQ and CSD columns for positive and negative frequencies.

If weightMS = yes, the WEIGHTMS HDU contains Wx columns. The lengths x will be base-2 values and will vary from the base-2 system value closest-lower than or equal-to the intervalMinSamples decreasing until 2. If matrixSize is different from 0, only the Wx column being x equals to matrixSize is calculated (although the rest columns appear in the HDU, they are filled with 0’s).


The teslib tool is a wrapper to perform the library creation.

The input data should be a FITS file with the data splitted into records.

To run teslib the user must supply the following input parameters:


Input record FITS file.

Default: record.fits


Output event list FITS file.

Default: event.fits


FITS file with calibration library.

Default: library.fits


Noise FITS file with noise spectrum.

Default: noise.fits


XML input file with instrument definition.

Default: xifu_pipeline.xml


Some samples added or not before the starting time of a pulse (number of added samples read from the XML file).

Default: no


Default size of the event list per record.

Default: 1000


Overwrite or not output files if they exist.

Default: no


Write or not program parameters into output FITS file.

Default: yes


Scale factor to apply to make possible a variable cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter. In fact, the cut-off frequency of the filter is \(1/(\pi \cdot sF)\) and therefore, the box-car length is \(\pi \cdot sF \cdot samprate\) (see Low-Pass filtering).

If the scaleFactor makes the box-car length \(\leq 1\) is equivalent to not filter (cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter is too high). If the scaleFactor is too large, the low-pass filter band is too narrow, and not only noise is rejected during the filtering, but also the signal.

Default: 0


Number of consecutive samples up for threshold trespassing.

Default: 3


Number of quiescent-signal standard deviations to establish the threshold through the kappa-clipping algorithm.

Default: 3.5


Running sum (RS) length for the RS raw energy estimation, in seconds.

Default: 30E-6


Baseline averaging length, in seconds.

Default: 6.4E-3


Monochromatic energy of the pulses in the input FITS file in eV.

Default: 6000.0


Add or not pre-calculated values in the library file related to COVAR reconstruction method.

Default: no


Add or not pre-calculated values in the library file related to INTCOVAR reconstruction method.

Default: no


Add or not pre-calculated values in the library file related to Optimal Filtering by using Weight Noise matrix.

Default: no


Length (in samples) of the longest fixed filter.

Default: 8192

EnergyMethod=<OPTFILT | I2R | IRFITTED>

Event Energy Determination: methods Energy calculation Method: OPTFILT (Optimal filtering), I2R and I2RFITTED (Linear Transformations).

Default: OPTFILT


Constant to apply the I2RFITTED conversion.

Default: 0.0

Used if EnergyMethod = I2RFITTED.

FilterMethod=<F0 | B0>

Filtering Method: F0 (deleting the zero frequency bin) or B0 (deleting the baseline).

Default: F0


Write intermediate files: yes(1), no(0)?

Default: 0


Intermediate detections FITS file (if intermediate = 1).

Default: detections.fits


Start time (in samples) of the first pulse (0 if detection should be performed by the system; greater than 0 if provided by the user) or file name containing the tstart (in seconds) of every pulse. For development purposes.

Default: 0


Start time (in samples) of the second pulse in the record (0 if detection should be performed by the system; greater than 0 if provided by the user). For development purposes.

Default: 0


Start time (in samples) of the third pulse in the record (0 if detection should be performed by the system; greater than 0 if provided by the user). For development purposes.

Default: 0

The sampling rate is calculated by using some keywords in the input FITS file. In case of tessim simulated data files, using the DELTAT keyword samplingRate=1/deltat. In case of xifusim simulated data files, every detector type defines a master clock-rate TCLOCK and the sampling rate is calculated either from a given decimation factor DEC_FAC (FDM and NOMUX) as samplingRate=1/(tclock·dec_fac), or from the row period P_ROW and the number of rows NUMROW (TDM) as samplingRate=1/(tclock·numrow·p_row). In case of old simulated files, the sampling rate could be read from the HISTORY keyword in the Primary HDU or even from the input XML file. If the sampling frequency can not be get from the input files after all, a message will ask the user to include the DELTAT keyword (inverse of the sampling rate) in the input FITS file before running again.

The output file will also be a FITS file storing the library file (see library file structure).


The tesrecons tool is a wrapper to perform the energy reconstruction of the photon events.

SIRENA code takes a FITS input file of data, optionally performs the detection of the events, then grades them and finally reconstructs their energy following the algorithm selected by the user in the input command line of tesrecons.

The input data should be a FITS file with the data splitted into records.

To run SIRENA implementation, the user must supply the following input parameters (see Event Energy Determination: methods for a detailed description in the context of the reconstruction methods to which they apply):


Input record FITS file.

Default: record.fits


Output event list FITS file.

Default: event.fits


FITS file with calibration library.

Default: library.fits


XML input FITS file with instrument definition.

Default: xifu_pipeline.xml


Some samples added or not before the starting time of a pulse (number of added samples read from the XML file).

Default: no


Default size of the event list per record.

Default: 1000


Overwrite output files if they exist.

Default: no


Write program parameters into output FITS file.

Default: yes


Scale factor to apply to make possible a variable cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter. In fact, the cut-off frequency of the filter is \(1/(\pi \cdot sF)\) and therefore, the box-car length is \(\pi \cdot sF \cdot samprate\) (see Low-Pass filtering).

If the scaleFactor makes the box-car length \(\leq 1\) is equivalent to not filter (cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter is too high). If the scaleFactor is too large, the low-pass filter band is too narrow, and not only noise is rejected during the filtering, but also the signal.

Default: 0


Number of consecutive samples up for threshold trespassing.

Default: 3


Number of consecutive samples below the threshold to look for other pulse (only used if detectionMode = STC).

Default: 4


Number of quiescent-signal standard deviations to establish the threshold through the kappa-clipping algorithm.

Default: 3.5

detectionMode=<AD | STC>

Adjusted Derivative (AD) or Single Threshold Crossing (STC).

Default: STC


Detect secondary pulses (1) or not (0).

Default: 1


Baseline averaging length, in seconds.

Default: 6.4E-3


Write intermediate files: yes(1), no(0)?

Default: 0


Intermediate detections FITS file (if intermediate = 1).

Default: detections.fits

FilterDomain=<T | F>

Filtering Domain: Time(T) or Frequency(F).

Default: T

FilterMethod=<F0 | B0>

Filtering Method: F0 (deleting the zero frequency bin) or B0 (deleting the baseline).

Default: F0


Event Energy Determination: methods Energy calculation Method: OPTFILT (Optimal filtering), 0PAD (0-padding), INTCOVAR (Covariance matrices), COVAR (Covariance matrices, first order) or I2R and I2RFITTED (Linear Transformations).

Default: OPTFILT


Energy of the filters of the library to be used to calculate energy (only for OPTFILT, 0PAD, I2R and I2RFITTED).

Default: 6000


Constant to apply the I2RFITTED conversion.

Default: 0.0

Used if EnergyMethod = I2RFITTED.


It has only sense if EnergyMethod = OPTFILT and it means to use the noise spectrum density (NSD) or the noise weight matrix (WEIGHTN).

Default: NSD


Use LAGS == 1 or NOLAGS == 0 to indicate whether subsampling pulse arrival time is required. Currently only implemented for EnergyMethod = OPTFILT, and EnergyMethod = COVAR combined with OFLib = yes.

Default: 1


Number of lags (samples) to be used if LagsOrNot = 1. It has to be a positive odd number.

Default: 9


Number of lags to analytically calculate a parabola (3) or to fit a parabola (5).

Default: 3


Iterate (1) or not iterate (0) to look for the closest energy interval. When iterations are activated, there will be more iterations if the calculated energy is out of the interval [Ealpha, Ebeta] straddling the predicted energy according the pulse shape.

Default: 0


Work with a library with optimal filters (OFLib = yes) or instead do Optimal Filter calculation on-the-fly (OFLib = no).

Default: yes


Optimal Filter length Strategy: FREE (no length restriction), BYGRADE (length according to event grading) or FIXED (fixed length). These last 2 options are only for checking and development purposes; a normal run with on-the-fly calculations will be done with OFStrategy = FREE. If OFStrategy = FREE, OFLib = no. If OFStrategy = FIXED or OFStrategy = BYGRADE, OFLib = yes.

Default: BYGRADE


Fixed Optimal Filter length.

Default: 8192

Only used when OFStrategy = FIXED.


0-padding preBuffer (only necessary when reconstructing with 0-padding)

Default: 1000


0-padding filter length (only necessary when reconstructing with 0-padding)

Default: 8192


Additional error (in samples) added to the detected time. Logically, it changes the reconstructed energies. For deveplopment purposes.

Default: 0


If 0-padding, subtract (1) or not subtract (0) the sum of the filter. For deveplopment purposes.

Default: 0


Start time (in samples) of the first pulse (0 if detection should be performed by the system; greater than 0 if provided by the user) or file name containing the tstart (in seconds) of every pulse. For development purposes.

Default: 0


Start time (in samples) of the second pulse in the record (0 if detection should be performed by the system; greater than 0 if provided by the user). For development purposes.

Default: 0


Start time (in samples) of the third pulse in the record (0 if detection should be performed by the system; greater than 0 if provided by the user). For development purposes.

Default: 0

The sampling rate is calculated by using some keywords in the input FITS file. In case of tessim simulated data files, using the DELTAT keyword samplingRate=1/deltat. In case of xifusim simulated data files, every detector type defines a master clock-rate TCLOCK and the sampling rate is calculated either from a given decimation factor DEC_FAC (FDM and NOMUX) as samplingRate=1/(tclock·dec_fac), or from the row period P_ROW and the number of rows NUMROW (TDM) as samplingRate=1/(tclock·numrow·p_row). In case of old simulated files, the sampling rate could be read from the HISTORY keyword in the Primary HDU or even from the input XML file. If the sampling frequency can not be get from the input files after all, a message will ask the user to include the DELTAT keyword (inverse of the sampling rate) in the input FITS file before running again.

The output file will also be a FITS file storing one event per row with the following information in the HDU named EVENTS:

  • TIME: arrival time of the event (in s)

  • SIGNAL: energy of the event (in keV). A post-processing energy calibration is necessary due to the non-linearity of the detector

  • AVG4SD: average of the first 4 samples of the derivative of the pulse

  • ELOWRES: energy provided by a low resolution energy estimator filtering with a 8-samples-length filter (with lags) (in keV). If there is no 8-length filter in the library, ELOWRES=-999

  • GRADE1: length of the filter utilized, defined as the distance to the subsequent pulse (in samples), or the pulse length if the next event is beyond this value, or if there are no additional events in the same record

  • GRADE2: distance to the start time of the preceding pulse (in samples). If the pulse is the first event, this value is fixed to the pulse length

  • PHI: arrival phase (offset relative to the central point of the parabola) (in samples)

  • LAGS: number of samples shifted to find the maximum of the parabola

  • BSLN:mean value of the baseline generally preceding a pulse (according the value in samples of LbT)

  • RMSBSLN: standard deviation of the baseline generally preceding a pulse (according the value in samples of LbT)

  • PIXID: pixel number

  • PH_ID: photon number identification of the first three photons in the respective record for cross-matching with the impact list

  • GRADING: pulse grade (depending on number of gradings in XML file, in general, VeryHighRes=1, HighRes=2, IntRes=3, MidRes=4, LimRes=5, LowRes=6 and Rejected=-1)


